Hello and Welcome!

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My name is Rebecca. Before I became a full-time artist, author and educator, I was a social worker and registered nurse. I took care of babies, their parents and chronically sick older adults. Now, I spend my days painting in my garden studio, creating mindfulness tools and sharing my love of nature with my students.

My passion for creativity was born about 20 years ago in the wee-hours of the morning. After tucking-in my patients, I’d find a quiet nook to practice writing lyrical phrases depicting the somberness of a pediatric night shift. Little did I know, those mindful interludes would become my lifeline to healing and the foundation for my future career.

In addition to creating new art for my best-selling deck collection, this year I’m launching a series of outdoor youth and adult painting classes based on a method of being I like to refer to as THE ARTFUL WAY. This lifestyle combines mindfulness, nature and creativity to help foster deeper connections with the world around us and experience the confidence that comes with attuned self-expression.

I hope you’ll join me. I’d love to embark on this journey with you.

–Rebecca Lefebvre

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Let Fear and Expectation Go . Get Outside and Express Yourself


Are you curious about how tapping into your inherent creativity can build confidence and help you achieve fulfillment in life? Join me at Three Leaf Farm in Lafayette, Colorado for one of my outdoor painting classes. Every month (from March to December) we’ll meet at the farm, enjoy a nature walk and learn how to paint. Each class introduces new mediums, tools, surfaces and techniques encouraging you to discover your unique style and get comfortable with creative self-expression. Sign up for a class today. No prior painting experience necessary.


My 1st Edition nature-inspired deck collection magically weaves the ancient wisdom of nature with our shared experience as humans; inspiring awakening, nurturing self-love and cheering each reader toward thoughtful change. Combining reflective writing with whimsical art these decks are insightful and captivating; a useful tool for anyone seeking meaningful moments and genuine connection.


Sourcing three decades of lessons learned as a social worker and registered nurse, I’ve published a diverse anthology of books and journals skillfully weaving the collective wisdom of hundreds of humans with the restorative power of nature. The skills, tools and knowledge contained within each book have been carefully chosen; helping you explore ways to heal through self-reflection, spend time finding your voice and learn how to take control of your life.


During the summer of 2021, after years of wish I could paint, I decided I’d finally try it. So, with a scrap of wood from the garage and some leftover Benjamin Moore paint, I dipped a brush into a can and dragged my brush across that board. In that moment, I knew (like an unexpected meet-cute) that painting would become an essential part of my life. In just two short years, I’ve sold over 250 pieces and stretched myself beyond any limits I could have imagined. Inspired by the transcendent qualities of nature and the patina of life, I love to paint rugged terrains, scenic shorelines and wild animals. To see my fine art paintings, please visit my portfolio site.

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“Thank you for brightening our lives and growing positivity!”

– Natalee